Hello! and welcome to ZambeziWanderer.com, my travel and lifestyle blog that takes you on a journey through the wilds of Southern Africa and beyond. I’ll be your guide -call me “Rue Beth”. I’m an intrepid explorer based in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, with an unquenchable thirst for adventure!
But my adventures are not limited to just the great outdoors. I’m also an avid foodie and wine connoisseur, always on the lookout for the finest cuisines and most delectable wines to share with my fellow wanderers.
When I’m not out exploring, you’ll find me indulging in my other passions, such as writing poetry and attending live events and kicking back and watching a good movie.
In this blog, I invite you to join me on my journeys through home- Zimbabwe,Southern Africa and beyond. Whether you’re looking for tips on where to find the best wildlife encounters, the most scenic hiking trails, or the most romantic hideaways, You’re gonna read all about it right here.
But ZambeziWanderer.com is more than just a travel blog. It’s a space for overcoming fears,sharing stories, insights, and experiences that inspire us all to explore the world around us. So join me on this journey, and let me help you let out the wanderer in you!