In a world where words take flight and emotions find their voice, poetry emerges as the enchanting language of the soul.

It is the art form that paints vivid landscapes with the stroke of a pen and weaves emotions into symphonies of rhythm and rhyme.
Poetry is a gateway to a realm where imagination knows no limits, where thoughts and feelings intertwine, and where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

About Pick Me Poetry
I have had the pleasure of working with Pick Me Up Poetry here in Victoria Falls. The vibrant heartbeat of arts and culture was born in the bustling streets of Johannesburg, South Africa, and is now thriving amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of Victoria Falls.

With a mission to unite passion and learning for creative minds, this independent publishing organization has become a powerful catalyst for artistic expression, touching the lives of tens of thousands online and in person.

Although poets already existed in Victoria Falls, Pick Me Up Poetry created an amazing platform for poets and other artists to showcase their artwork. This was done through hosting Open-mic shows at The River Brewing Company every first Tuesday of the month.

After quite a number of shows at the Brewery, Pick Me Up Poetry decided to focus more on online work whilst creating a strategy to promote the culture of Poetry throughout the country by hosting pop-up shows.

Pick Me Up Poetry will resume hosting Poetry Shows in Victoria Falls soon.